
Edda by Snorri Sturluson
Edda by Snorri Sturluson

Edda by Snorri Sturluson Edda by Snorri Sturluson

If you have not received an order receipt, or shipping confirmation email, please check your junk, spam, or promotions folders and be sure to add to your safe list. Lo Edda in prosa o Edda di Snorri (conosciuto anche come Edda recente o Edda minore) è un manuale di letteratura scritto in lingua norrena dal dotto storico islandese Snorri Sturluson attorno al 1220. You will receive an email when your order has shipped with a tracking number. The Prose Edda is a text on Old Norse Poetics, written about 1200 by the Icelandic poet and politican Snorri Sturlson, who also wrote the Heimskringla. His writings include the Prose Edda and the Heimskringla, which along with the Poetic Edda are. Shipping is calculated by the weight of the product, any shipping overages will be refunded at the time of mailing. SNORRI STURLUSON (11791241) is Icelands greatest historian. If you order other products with your preorder, they will all be shipped together when the preorder is shipped to you. Preorders are shipped as soon as we receive the products to us.

Edda by Snorri Sturluson

During our bi-annual sales events, shipping times can be 2-3 weeks after orders are placed. Orders generally ship the next shipping day after your order is placed, however, sometimes we receive dozens of orders in one day and we split orders between the next two shipping days. Please understand we are a two-person shipping operation and do our best to get your goods to you as quickly as possible. Ritualcravt ships two-three times per week.

Edda by Snorri Sturluson