But Justice Wynn has other plans, which he reveals to Avery via cryptic clues sent in the trust of his nurse and his lawyer. With the justice now in a coma, the court looks sure to be deadlocked.

Because of the national security angle, the case gets fast-tracked, and here we are.” India agrees with China on a few trade routes, and six months later, Stokes blocks the biggest tech deal in India’s history. “Nigel Cooper, the head of GenWorks, is claiming that the president does not have any valid national security concerns, but is simply being a protectionist in retaliation against India since they shut down his signature trade deal last year. Warming to her topic, Avery leaned forward. It’s supposed to balance national security interests against America’s interest in foreign investment.” The core issue is the Exon-Florio Amendment. Justices were all over the place during the questioning. “That none of the normal ideologies held up. “What else can you tell me about the case?” Worse, it throws the professional politicians into turmoil, as Justice Wynn would likely have been the deciding vote on an upcoming case that is very important, almost personally so, to President Brandon Stokes. This scandalizes Beltway society, which assumes a more intimate, and less professional, relationship between Avery and her boss.

The trouble is, neither Avery nor Jared have any idea what’s going on until they’re informed that Justice Wynn has slipped into a coma and that Avery, of all people, has been appointed his legal guardian, with the power of attorney over life and death (and career) decisions. So he devises a complex plan that hinges on the intelligence and ingenuity of the unwitting Avery to ensure that justice is served. He is dying and in possession of secret knowledge that could bring down a government, but exposing it could ruin his own estranged son Jared. As the novel opens, Justice Wynn is facing a dilemma. Avery Keene is the senior legal clerk for “hippie libertarian” Supreme Court Justice Howard Wynn, a grouchy old man whose irascible attitude hides a sharp legal mind. This highly-anticipated political thriller debut by one of the most well-known politicians in the country is a twisty puzzler reminiscent of Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code and John Grisham’s The Pelican Brief.