Today, thanks to classic works such as The Last Unicorn, Tamsin, and The Innkeepers Song, he is acknowledged as Americas greatest living fantasy author and his dazzling abilities with language, characters, and magical storytelling have earned him many millions of fans around the world. Beagle was born in 1939 and raised in the Bronx, just a few blocks from Woodlawn Cemetery, the inspiration for his first novel, A Fine and Private Place. Beagle is a true magician with words, a master of prose and a deft practitioner in verse.-The Saturday Review About the Author Peter S. Tolkien, but he stands squarely and triumphantly on his own feet.The book is rich, not only in comic bits but also in passages of uncommon beauty.

Louis Post-Dispatch Beagle.has been compared, not unreasonably, with Lewis Carroll and J.R.R. Beagle is (in no particular order) a wonderful writer, a fine human being, and a bandit prince out to steal readers hearts.-Tad Williams Almost as if it were the last fairy tale, come out of lonely hiding in the forests of childhood, The Last Unicorn is as full of enchantment as any of the favorite tales readers may choose to recall.A delicate, sensitive, yet powerful rendering of all the intangibles that make a fairy tale unforgettable.-St. If youve already read it, you need to read it again.-Patrick Rothfuss Peter S. Beagle and The Last Unicorn Comes alive and stays alive on bright intensity of imagination.-The New York Times Book Review Written in lyrical prose and rife with both whimsical humor and philosophical ruminations on what it means to be human, Beagle spins a quasi-medieval fairy tale that remains timeless.-Time The Last Unicorn is the best book I have ever read. Le Guin Review Quotes Praise for Peter S. Beagle illuminates with his own particular magic.-Ursula K. Beagle spins a poignant tale of love, loss, and wonder that has resonated with millions of readers around the world. In The Last Unicorn, renowned and beloved novelist Peter S. Joined along the way by the bumbling magician Schmendrick and the indomitable Molly Grue, the unicorn learns all about the joys and sorrows of life and love before meeting her destiny in the castle of a despondent monarch-and confronting the creature that would drive her kind to extinction.

The unicorn lived in a lilac wood, and she lived all alone.so she ventured out from the safety of the enchanted forest on a quest for others of her kind. Book Synopsis INCLUDES A NEW INTRODUCTION BY PATRICK ROTHFUSS Experience one of the most enduring classics of the twentieth century and the book that The Atlantic has called one of the best fantasy novels ever. Now, in this historic publication, Beagles richly inventive novel springs to life in beautifully rendered illustrations that perfectly evoke the mystery and magic of one of mans favorite myths.

About the Book Adults and children the world over have fallen in love with Beagles timeless classic, The Last Unicorn.